

onnxkit allows users to encode/decode ONNX model files.

How to use

Currently it supports two operations, decode and encode.

nncc$ path_to_onnxkit/onnxkit
ERROR: COMMAND is not provided

USAGE: path_to_onnxkit/onnxkit [COMMAND] ...


decode reads a binary graphproto file and shows its textual form.

encode is the reverse of decode, it reads a textual graphproto file and prints its binary form.

Each command can read from or print to the console or from/to a file if given through the argument. First argument is used as an input file path and second as a output file path. If second argument is omitted, output is the console. To give the first argument as a console, please use -.


Example to decode

nncc$ cat my_awesome_model.pb | path_to_onnxkit/onnxkit decode > decoded.pbtxt
nncc$ cat my_awesome_model.pb | path_to_onnxkit/onnxkit decode - decoded.pbtxt
nncc$ path_to_onnxkit/onnxkit decode my_awesome_model.pb > decoded.pbtxt
nncc$ path_to_onnxkit/onnxkit decode my_awesome_model.pb decoded.pbtxt

Above four examples for decode command gives the same result. This applies to other commands.

Example to encode

nncc$ cat decoded.pbtxt | path_to_onnxkit/onnxkit encode > encoded.pb


  • onnx
  • Protobuf
  • cli