
tf2circle-value-pbtxt-remote-test does random value test for .circle file using remote machine, normally Odroid, which nnfw runs on.


  1. Tensorflow library

    • Make sure that Tensorflow library could be found at nncc configure step. If there is no Tensorflow library, this test will not be created.

    • If CMake reports TensorFlow library is not found in configure step, even when the library exists, set TENSORFLOW_PREFIX to include Tensorflow library like below.

      $ ./nncc configure -DTENSORFLOW_PREFIX=/path/to/Tensorflow/library
    • TENSORFLOW_PREFIX should contain Tensorflow library as shown below.

          ├ include
          |  ├ tensorflow
          |  |     └ c
          |  |       ├ c_api.h
          |  ├ ...
          ├ lib
          |  ├
          |  ├ ...
          ├ ...
  2. Runtime Library and Binary files

    • Detailed information is located in here

    • If you build runtime, related files will be produced in Product/out. Do not rename or move it.

    • (TBD) Support native build option

  3. Remote machine information and test list

    • You should create test.lst file first as shown below.

      • Set IP address and username of remote machine using set command.

      • Add Tensorflow models which you want to verify, which are in /res/TensorflowTests/

      #--------------- Remote Machine Setting ---------------#
      set(REMOTE_IP "")
      set(REMOTE_USER "remote_username")
      #--------------------- Tests list ---------------------#
    • If any Tensorflow model is added, or if REMOTE_IP and REMOTE_USER is not given, tf2circle-value-pbtxt-remote-test will not be created.

  4. (Optional) ssh authentication

    • This test uses ssh and scp commands, and those commands require a password of remote machine whenever they are called. This means that you should enter the password everytime when ssh and scp require.

    • This test resolves the problem by using ssh-copy-id, which copies the public key of host machine to authorized_keys of remote machine. Because of that, this test will ask the password of remote machine only once, at the first time. This is the only user interaction while running this test.

    • If you do not want to interact with system, just do ssh-copy-id ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_IP} in advance, before running this test. Once ssh-copy-id is done, there will be no user-interaction action while running the test.


  • If you finished prerequisites properly, configuring -> building -> testing steps create cmake test automatically.

  • All the related materials will be sent to REMOTE_WORKDIR in remote machine. Default value of REMOTE_WORKDIR is CVT_YYMMDD_hhmmss, which means Circle Value Test done on YY/MM/DD at hh:mm:ss.

  • REMOTE_WORKDIR will not be removed automatically after this test finish.

    $ ./nncc configure && ./nncc build
    # Default REMOTE_WORKDIR is CVT_YYMMDD_hhmmss folder
    $ ./nncc test -R tf2circle_value_pbtxt_remote_test
    # You can set REMOTE_WORKDIR where you have write privilege
    $ REMOTE_WORKDIR=/path/you/want/ ./nncc test -R tf2circle_value_pbtxt_remote_test

Generated Files While Running

  • All related files(pb, circle, h5 … etc.) are created in build/compiler/tf2circle-value-pbtxt-remote-test folder.

        ├ Result_latest -> Result_YYMMDD_hhmmss.csv
        ├ Result_YYMMDD_hhmmss.csv
        ├ ...
        ├ UNIT_Add_000
        |     ├ metadata
        |     |     ├ MANIFEST
        |     |     └ tc
        |     |        ├ expected.h5
        |     |        └ input.h5
        |     └
        ├ UNIT_Add_000.expected.h5
        ├ UNIT_Add_000.input.h5
        ├ UNIT_Add_000.log
        ├ UNIT_Add_000.passed
        ├ UNIT_Add_000.pb
        ├ UNIT_Add_000.pbtxt
        ├ ...
  • Runtime products and each nnpackage are sent to REMOTE_WORKDIR in remote machine.

  • (TBD) Modify script not to remove obtained h5 file.

        ├ Product
        |     └ out
        |        ├ bin
        |        ├ lib
        |        ├ test
        |        ├ ...
        ├ UNIT_Add_000
        |     ├ metadata
        |     |     ├ MANIFEST
        |     |     └ tc
        |     |        ├ expected.h5
        |     |        ├ input.h5
        |     |        └ UNIT_Add_000.out.h5
        |     |          (Only when comparing with expected.h5 fails)
        |     |
        |     └
        ├ ...

Check Test Result

  • Summary of test result will be created as csv file in host.

    # Result_latest is symbolic link to the latest csv result file
    # Print the latest test result
    $ cat build/compiler/tf2circle-value-pbtxt-remote-test/Result_latest
    UNIT_Add_000, TRUE, TRUE
    # List all result csv files
    $ ls build/compiler/tf2circle-value-pbtxt-remote-test/Result_*.csv
  • Detailed log file for each test cases is also created.

    $ cat build/compiler/tf2circle-value-pbtxt-remote-test/*.log