
enco is a tool which translates a NN model into a C++ source code that implements the following functions:

struct Network;

Network *Network_construct();
void Network_destruct(Network *net);

unsigned Network_input_count(const Network *);
const char *Network_input_name(const Network *, unsigned n);
unsigned Network_input_rank(const Network *, unsigned n);
unsigned Network_input_dim(const Network *, unsigned n, unsigned axis);
void Network_input_bind(Network *net, unsigned n, const void *ptr, unsigned len);

unsigned Network_output_count(const Network *net);
const char *Network_output_name(const Network *, unsigned n);
unsigned Network_output_rank(const Network *, unsigned n);
unsigned Network_output_dim(const Network *, unsigned n, unsigned axis);
void Network_output_bind(Network *net, unsigned n, void *ptr, unsigned len);

void Network_invoke(Network *net);

Generated C++ code internally uses Android NN API for acceleration.